Exciting News: Overlays Guru is thrilled to unveil its complete remake from the ground up! Explore our revamped site now by clicking here!!!


Overlays Guru was started by Wayne AKA TenaciousW, CMDButton & Faye's Tech B**ch.

Me and my wife "FranklyFaye" started streaming on Twitch in 2018, but we soon found out Faye was meant to be in the spotlight and I ended up being the man behind the curtain. I have always had an interest in web design and development from an early age, and I took my outdated knowledge and started making overlays for my wife's stream. Over time I started working on my skills and upping my game.

The 1st tool I made was a Random Clip Player for my Faye's BRB screen. Shortly after I submitted it to Streamlabs app store, where I was accepted as an app developer, however I had to remake my clip player from scratch in Javascript, not the PHP / HTML it was currently using. With help from a friend we remade the player and I learned enough to make more tools such as The Magic 8 Ball.

Being in my wife's community I enjoyed helping other streamers with graphics, and programming and decided to make oldoverlays.guru as a way to share my creations and help grow the community.

Big shout out to instafluff for his work on comfyJS, finding this has changed how I process chat commands and it makes everything so much easier!