Exciting News: Overlays Guru is thrilled to unveil its complete remake from the ground up! Explore our revamped site now by clicking here!!!

Comparison Charts & Screenshots

Not sure if its worth upgrading? not only do you get the amazing guru emotes , auto shoutouts on the channel, you also get 6 premium tools see comparison chart below and screenshots

Shoutout Player

Features Free Subscriber
Can change the default (!so) & custom commands
Redemption Trigger
Max duration
Appearance / style
Most recent clips
Custom message title
Show / hide channel logo
Raid auto shoutout with min viewers
Has oldoverlays.guru Watermark

Random Clip Player

Features Free Subscriber
Static effect between clips
Can mute the clips
Can set the peroid of clips
Only clipped by option
Custom message title
Has a 20 clip limit

Talking Hand

Features Free Subscriber
Can use custom animation for the hand
Over 60 voices
Over 1500 famous voices!
Animation sync style

Screenshots of subscriber tools