Jump / Bump Games

Beta (Friends Only)
2 Interactive games for your stream. When a viewer types !jump into chat it spawns a falling player; the goal is simple hit the target highest score is the winner. This is random the players collide and bounce around the screen. Fully customizable from the graphics to the sounds. Great way of keeping your viewer entertained and keep your viewers active in chat. The viewer can also type !jump with an emote to see the emote fall instead of the army man. The username and army man colours will match the Twitch username colour.

You can turn bump or jump on or off, if you want just 1 game or them both. This game could also be used for giveaway. Viewers can only jump once per round and they game resets 90 seconds after the last jump / bump command.

Basic Settings




Advanced Game Settings

Jump Command: !

Bump Command: !

Min Y Speed:

Max Y Speed:

Min X Speed:

Max X Speed:

Wall Slide Chance:

Straight Fall Chance:

Moving Target:

Apperance Settings

Scale Factor:

Target Color:  

Sound Settings (leave blank for default)


Jump Sound URL:

Die Sound URL:

Hit Target Sound URL:

Leaderboard Options:
In order for you to be able to post the results of your leaderboard in chat you need to give chat permissions to the overlay. Click HERE to generate a token and paste the token below.
You can also use a bot to post the results, however the bot needs to have MOD rights to your channel and the token needs to be generated from the bot account.


Bot username:

The commands for the leader boards are !jumptop !jumpboard !jumpmyrank

Browser Source URl to add: